long story

13 Nov

Ok let me tell you what happen actually..

Adam is a perfectly healthy baby when he was born. Dia sangat comel, mata dia terkelip2 masa aku peluk dia dlm labor room. so tiny and so fragile. mmg dikirakan aku mmg tak pandai pegang newborn baby, nurse terus letak atas perut aku so aku kena peluk la. aku penat masa tu, tp bestnya! aku nampak kaki yg selalu tendang2 dlm perut, tgn yg sampai terselit tepi pinggang aku. dlm perut pun dah lasak.

lepas 4 hari, kena jumpa paed utk follow-up. kuning teruk, level 24.1.

aku dgn aizec sgt tak keruan. nak sulung lah katakan. mcm2 terbayang dlm kepala. bila byk ckp dgn doctor, byk membaca. apa itu jaundis, apa sebab2, kesan2, kaedah rawatan etc so kitorg agak tenang. asalnya jaundis yg 1st time ni pasal aku mkn salindah. i thot salindah boleh mkn. it turns up tht tak semua org boleh ‘serasi’ dgn salindah tu. nurse ckp aku bernasib baik masa labor tak kena pape. some mother yg mkn salindah, takde contractions dan menyebabkan bleeding yg sgt teruk sampai kena remove rahim. dlm hati aku ckp “alhamdulillah”.

tp kesannya kena kat baby, the immature liver cannot process the medication yg dah absorb ke dlm breastmilk. from the info i get, babies who were admitted bcos of ‘salindah’ usually will spend more than 3 days in the hospital bcos the birilubin level is too high compared to other type of jaundice. in Adam’s case, 8 days. at day 6 his level is 12.8, but at day 7 naik balik ke 14. sampai doktor pun risau. kitorg? menangis bersungguh2. then i discovered the param and pilis. ok i stopped them.

he was discharge when the level reach 13. the appoinment with paed 2 days later, the level dropped to 10.1. alhamdulillah..

MIL and my Mom insisted for me to take goat milk which was believe to cure jaundice. The idea was to give straight to the baby, but Aizec and I strongly disagree with the idea as instructed by paed. So i drank up goat milk (i tell you it smell perfectly kambing!) half cup everyday till i finish all 3 bottle. ingat2 balik, yikes!

eventho Adam’s level is considered normal by paed, he still looked kuning.
“it will subside, just wait” kata paed.

Not enough with goat milk, another petua cina pulak came in, to bathe the baby with air bunga matahari for 3 days. ok la, we play along. mandi la asal tak suruh minum sudah.

jeng jeng jeng.. one night ajek saw the baby soooooooo yellow! mula la masing2 tension, i cried so hard tht night. sampai aku ckp kat baby, “baby, if ni sbb susu mama. mama mintak maaf. i dont mean to harm you”.. sedih gila. Mom and MIL insist me again to give plain water to the baby, they do not agree with my idea of ‘exclusive breastfeeding’, not giving the baby anything other thn breastmilk.

so it is my milk punya salah? i was depressed!

met paed the next day, she was surprise to see the yellowish adam. even before she took the blood sample she said, “i rasa kena tahan ni, tinggi ni”..

24.1 again! ting ting ting ting!!

i do not cry this time. we took it our way. i beg to ajek to stay at our own house. we move our stuff to our home even i am still in pantang period. i’m tired with all the petua. when we told the paed about the bunga matahari thingy, straight kena marah. the skin absorbed tht water, went to the blood, later to the liver.. jackpot! kuning! hoyeahhh..

yeah.. we are happier now.

this morning adam’s birilubin level is 11, he could come home this evening.

Adam sayang!! Jom balik rumah dgn mama dgn daddy~

*note: antara benda2 yg nak kena avoid masa postpartum ialah, air kunyit/halia/gamat, pati ikan haruan, salindah, jamu etc etc.. cuma amalkan healthy diet to avoid baby get jaundiced. their immature liver cannot process these stuff. your baby may get jaundice even tak mkn benda2 ni, tp the level is low and senang turun. if jaundice tinggi, the baby might be deaf, sawan, otak lembab, kecacatan otak, and worst, death! semua baby mesti ada jaundice, yg bezakan dia adalah the level of birilubin.

kalau nk jugak mkn, lepas sebulan bole la kut.. but as long as you take a good healthy diet, there’s no need for additional jamu. doctor’s prescribtion is enough.

kalau healthy baby, less thn 2. more thn 8 akan start nmpk kuning. doctor takkan tahan wad if dlm range 10-13. more than tht, expect your baby to be ‘sunbathe’ for 2-3 days.

adam 8 hari, mmg laaa hitam. mat saleh pun skjp2 je.. ni naked 24/8. haha


Posted by on November 13, 2007 in simply random


9 responses to “long story

  1. d

    November 13, 2007 at 6:13 pm

    betul..amalkan makanan sihat..ini yg ada makan kena sekat..macam2 xbleh mkn,tp jamu n segala benda merepek merapu kena mkn…klu badan tahan ok lah,
    if not kita yg susah..the most important
    exclusive breastfeed!whatever it takes,jgn campur sampai umur 6bulan klu boleh..even susu sikit..lelama akan banyak if rajin bg n sabar…
    syukur adam dh balik..harapnye semua selamat..

  2. tirokwifey

    November 13, 2007 at 7:09 pm

    Kalau Adam faham, mesti dia pun pening. Mcm2 mazhab hahaha

  3. litium

    November 13, 2007 at 7:34 pm

    i totally agree with you. doctor’s prescription is enough. other stuff just make things worse. btw, it’s good to hear that adam is getting better.

    your experience that you share here will be a crucial reminder for others. thanks for sharing

  4. Lady K

    November 13, 2007 at 10:06 pm

    seronoknya adam dah balik. pasni dah boleh start pakai whitening cream la ek? 😛

  5. lutfi

    November 14, 2007 at 7:10 am

    ada cite sorang baby ni bile sakit je, parents die sapu minyak cap kapak kat perut. last2 die absorb bende alah tu masuk. don’t wanna tell you the next thing that happened.

    jgn lupe doa byk2 insyaallah.

  6. aishahmak

    November 14, 2007 at 8:09 am

    Alhamdulillah, Adam’s a tough boy. I agree with you and the rest that traditional confinement could be harmful to both mother and baby’s health. Example: don’t drink too much water (!) God willing, doctor’s prescription is sufficient. So, bravo to you and Ajek for knowing what’s best for Adam.

  7. aj3k

    November 14, 2007 at 9:44 pm

    aku skrg dah selamba dengan bomb-bomb org yg masih percaya dengan tahyul.
    bagi aku perubatan tradisional adalah tahyul!!

  8. Lady K

    November 15, 2007 at 9:16 am

    Yup, minyak angin juga bahaya. Boleh baca kat blog aku (utk sapa2 yg curious nak tau apa jadi kat baby tu)

  9. daus

    November 26, 2007 at 12:52 pm

    hehe..sory sebb uncle yer yg patut tgk masih di i’ll meet adam…


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