Daily Archives: December 3, 2009

satu per lapan

my body tempreture is ok, tak panas pun. but i have this sore throat, blocked nose, ditambah dgn gastrik and angin. hooo dah lama tak kena gastrik, smlm kena strike. terduduk dibuatnya sementara nak tunggu balik kul 5.30.. tu nak tunggu ajek dtg lagi. seb baik tu dah kurang sikit, kalau tak nak tegak badan pun tak boleh.

i had a day off, mc.

i feel ok, but not ok. camne?

i dont feel like going to work tomorrow. takde hati lgsg. the co distributed the so-called profit sharing (i think) which based on our kpi. i think he ranked me D. i receive lower bonus than my subordinates, even lower of compared to other ppl who has the rank as me. seriously, i feel so unhappy. seperti saya mkn dan tidur dlm ofis. seperti saya melawan kata-kata bos sepanjang masa. seperti saya tiada makna.

does maternity leave affect your kpi? kalau gitu buat apa buat challange plan? kalau ye pun, ML cuma 2 bulan je, mana jasa2 aku berbulan2 sebelum tu? bukan la aku buat kerja utk dikenang.. bukan. tp klau aku cuma dpt satu per lapan dari jurutera lain, apa cerita? satu perlapan tu!!

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Posted by on December 3, 2009 in simply random