isu pasangan org dan org single

10 Dec

Aku tulis ni dlm keadaan waras dan bukan dgn ikut perasaan. Ok la, aku tanya ni kat korang yg baca. Korang dah kawin, and pasangan korang gi minum2 dgn org single, yg bukan officemate, bukan kawan lama. Tapi kawan biasa.. awan yg takde mengena kerja, dan bukan terserempak di kedai mkn.

apa korang rasa?

aku akan rasa tak best. aku tak suka. even if i know that my husband has nothing to do with that girl. but syaitan ada di antara mereka. who knows sooner later there might be a spark between them. mintak dijauhkan.

the case is different if the girl is his long-lost besties at primary school (bcos in my case, i knew he is from all-boys-secondary), or he and that girl stranded in London airport bcos God-knows-why reason, or any valid reason.

seeing him chatting with other girl pun aku tak suka. why? bcos i don’t do that. bcos i respect him as my husband. and you know, married man is proven more attractive compared to single guy. i am talking about experience. they know why girls have their mood swings, and the problem is when his wife is swinging at full blast, he walks away from the perimeter. hahahhaha

i hope i would not catching him dating another girl. i know he will not. because he is the one i choose to spend the rest of my life with. i trust him 90%.. haha of course i cannot stop myself from stalking his fb, calls, sms, and whatsnot. pftt~

i’ve seen real example, one married guy having a cuppa tea with one single lady (of course dia terus kena label buruk dgn aku). they are not from the same office, not in the same biz. you know what, these ladies mcm takde tulang nak diri sendiri to minum sorang. whaddaheck?

i could go and date anyone i want if ajek is away. but i choose not to. kenapa? perintah Allah. jauhkan la segala penyebab yg boleh mendorong ke arah kemungkaran.

dalam hidup kita ada pilihan. kalau pergi pasar, kita pilih nak beli buah yg busuk atau buah yg elok dalam satu longgok.

kita pilih ikan yg segar dari ikan yg busuk walaupun free.

pilihan kita menunjukkan siapa kita, tanpa perlu kita berkata apa-apa. walaupun selepas tu sibuk kita nak ckp semua fakta utk menidakkan apa-apa kesan tindakan kita.

kita mmg boleh ckp, mmg boleh tipu org. boleh ke tipu diri sendiri?

so young ladies, keep your itchy body away from married guys (who already has itchy balls, married or singles). you could ask help, tak salah. but know ur limits.

i could go lengthy about this.

to make the husbands know how the wife is feeling, allow your wife to go for a tea with another single guy, or a dinner. while waiting for the lady to come home, take care the kids, prepare the meal and make sure they had their bath by 6.30. before that, take them to the playground and play hide-and-seek.

if you wanna do something not right, pls remember that someone is waiting for you at the doorstep, missing you in every other way, even she’s not showing it.




Posted by on December 10, 2010 in simply random


6 responses to “isu pasangan org dan org single

  1. arina

    December 10, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    tuty, ur point sebijik sejebon sama dgn aku nyer… huhu.. the hubby selalu rasa they know their limits. tapi i always tell him yang syaitan tu ada, dan sentiasa menyucuk2. jadi tak payahlah dok pegi main dgn api…..

    • t.u-ty

      December 12, 2010 at 9:06 pm

      yupp betul, tak perlu la nak main api. bukan takde contoh2 terpampang dlm suratkhabar pun. pandai2 la timbang tara sendiri. dah belajar tinggi2, pasal benda simple ni pun tolong la fikir. kalau tak fikir masa dpn. fikir la pasal perasaan isteri.

      isteri kalau tak kerja, dia mendidik anak sepenuh masa kat rumah. yg kerja, tolong bantu ekonomi family. sama je.

  2. nisa

    December 12, 2010 at 10:33 am

    it takes two to tango…even kalo btol2 rakan sekerja pon, saya tak nampak di mana keperluan utk seorang lelaki berkeluarga dan seorang wanita single keluar lunch/minum bersama atas dasar suka-suka nak lepak…sekali dua akan membawa kepada berkali-kali…lantas hati boleh terus terpaut dek menatap wajah yang sama berhari-hari…
    sang lelaki, di harap jangan mula memberi sekelumit pon harapan kepada sang wanita…
    sang wanita, di harap jangan gatal nak try power


    • t.u-ty

      December 12, 2010 at 9:08 pm

      nisa, maksud saya rakan sekerja ni konon2 they went to a meeting somewhere else and mmg perut berkeriut kena makan jugak so diorg stop utk mkn and that’s it.

      lelaki dah kawin ni biasanya pandai amik hati sbb dia dah belajar kat rumah. perempuan2 yg kurang tulang belakang ni selalunya tak cukup kasih sayang kat rumah sbb tu nak cari dari org yg dah bahagia.


  3. aisyah

    December 13, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    i hear you!

    sometimes even niat asal mmg hanya kawan, but honestly, lelaki n perempuan cannot be only friends..simply because of syaitan yg menghasut..

    I always tell my friends, if the guy is married, stay away.. jgn kata..alaa..bukan buat ape pun..minum will always lead to something else!

  4. azie

    December 22, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    emm.. setuju sgt ngan post ni.. selalu gak nasihat hubby supaya baik ngan “pompuan” lain berpada2..huhuhu..


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